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Writer's pictureCathy Jenkins

Unleashing Your Potential: How to Break Free from the Subconscious Patterns Keeping You Stuck

Updated: 32 minutes ago

Our subconscious mind is an incredibly powerful force, silently shaping our thoughts, decisions, and behaviours without us even realizing it. It influences much of our daily life, often keeping us in familiar, comfortable patterns. But sometimes, this can leave us feeling stuck—trapped in old habits, fears, or beliefs that hold us back from growth. Understanding how the subconscious mind works and how it can create these invisible barriers is the key to moving past stagnation and unlocking our full potential.

How the Subconscious Mind Shapes Our Lives

The subconscious mind stores everything we’ve experienced, from childhood memories to deeply ingrained habits and beliefs. It controls automatic functions like breathing and heart rate, but it also influences our emotions, decisions, and behavior patterns. Over time, repeated thoughts and experiences form powerful subconscious beliefs, which act like an internal script guiding our actions.

internal conflict - breaking free from subconscious pattern

The challenge is that the subconscious doesn’t distinguish between helpful and harmful beliefs. Its primary function is to keep us safe by sticking to what’s familiar. Even if a behaviour or thought pattern is holding us back, the subconscious might cling to it because it feels safe. As a result, we often feel stuck or unable to move forward, even though we consciously want to make changes.

How Subconscious Patterns Keeps Us Stagnant

1. Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are deeply held convictions that restrict us from reaching our full potential. They are often formed in childhood or through repeated negative experiences. For example, if you’ve internalized the belief that you’re “not good enough” or that success is “out of reach,” your subconscious will block you from taking the necessary steps toward achieving your goals. Even if you consciously desire change, these subconscious beliefs can create resistance, making you feel stuck.

2. Fear of Change

The subconscious mind seeks stability. Change, even positive change, can feel threatening because it’s unfamiliar. This is why we often feel fear or anxiety when stepping into new situations. Thoughts like “What if I fail?” or “What if I’m not ready?” can arise, causing us to avoid taking action. Fear of the unknown can keep us stuck in the same place, even when we know deep down that change is needed for growth.

3. Emotional Baggage

Past emotional experiences, particularly unresolved ones, can be stored in the subconscious mind and influence our present actions. If you’ve experienced rejection, failure, or trauma, the subconscious may try to protect you by creating avoidance patterns or self-sabotaging behaviours to prevent future pain. Over time, these unresolved emotions create mental and emotional blocks that keep you feeling stagnant.

4. Attachment to Comfort Zones

Our subconscious mind is hardwired to keep us in our comfort zone, where everything is predictable and safe. While the comfort zone might feel secure, it’s also a place where growth rarely happens. Stepping outside of this zone feels risky, and the subconscious will often resist by triggering fear, doubt, or procrastination. This attachment to comfort can make us reluctant to try new things, leaving us stuck in a cycle of familiarity.

5. Self-Sabotaging Behaviours

When we consciously strive for success but subconsciously fear it, self-sabotaging behaviours can emerge. This might show up as procrastination, distraction, or loss of motivation just when we’re on the verge of progress. The subconscious mind creates these obstacles to keep us aligned with its version of safety, which often means staying exactly where we are.

How Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Can Help

reaching your full potential using Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a powerful tool for breaking through subconscious barriers. RTT works by accessing the subconscious mind through hypnosis, allowing you to explore and reframe the core beliefs, memories, or emotional wounds that have been keeping you stuck. By going directly to the source, RTT helps identify the root causes of limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours, creating an opportunity for deep healing and transformation.

Unlike traditional talk therapy, which primarily engages the conscious mind, RTT taps into the subconscious, where long-lasting change can happen more quickly. Through a combination of hypnosis, regression, and cognitive restructuring, RTT helps you reprogram negative thought patterns and replace them with empowering beliefs. This method is particularly effective for issues like low self-worth, fear of failure, and emotional blocks, enabling you to move forward with clarity and confidence.

Steps to Overcome Subconscious Stagnation

1. Recognize Limiting Beliefs

Start by becoming aware of the negative thoughts and patterns that may be holding you back. Write down the beliefs you find yourself repeating, such as “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t succeed.” Then ask yourself, “Is this really true?” By challenging these beliefs, you can begin to loosen their grip.

2. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness helps you become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and reactions as they arise. By observing your inner dialogue without judgment, you can start to identify subconscious patterns that are keeping you stuck. When you notice fear or resistance, pause and reflect: Is this fear based on reality, or is it a subconscious attempt to avoid discomfort?

3. Shift Your Perspective on Fear

Instead of seeing fear as a roadblock, begin to view it as a signal that you’re on the edge of growth. Fear often arises when you’re about to step into something new, which means you’re moving beyond your comfort zone. Embrace it as part of the process, and take small steps forward despite the discomfort.

4. Use Visualization and Affirmations

Visualization and affirmations are tools that can help reprogram your subconscious mind. Visualize yourself achieving your goals and living the life you desire. Reinforce this with affirmations that support your new beliefs, such as “I am worthy of success” or “I embrace change with confidence.” Over time, these positive messages can replace old, limiting beliefs.

5. Release Emotional Baggage

If you find yourself stuck due to unresolved emotions, consider using techniques like journaling, meditation, or breathwork to release pent-up feelings. RTT and other therapeutic modalities can also help uncover and heal emotional wounds stored in the subconscious, freeing you from their influence.

6. Take Small, Consistent Steps

Large, overwhelming changes can trigger resistance in the subconscious mind, which is why taking small, manageable steps is often more effective. Break your goals into smaller, actionable tasks that feel less intimidating. This helps your subconscious adapt to new patterns gradually, without triggering a fear response.

Conclusion: Breaking Free from the Subconscious Grip

The subconscious mind has a profound impact on our lives, often keeping us stuck in old habits, beliefs, and emotional patterns that no longer serve us. However, by bringing these unconscious patterns into awareness and using tools like RTT, mindfulness, and visualization, we can begin to rewrite the script that guides our actions.

The journey toward growth and transformation starts with recognizing that our subconscious doesn’t have to control our future. By actively working to reprogram limiting beliefs and release emotional blocks, we can step out of stagnation and into a life of possibility, confidence, and expansion. With persistence and self-awareness, we can finally move beyond the barriers that have been holding us back.

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